2022 Nominee for Holistic Health Practitioner Spiritual Excellence Halo Award

About Kristen

Kristen Bassett, RMT

Aligning body mind spirit.

Kristen's Wellness Journey

I took my first yoga class at the age of 12, when my mom enrolled me in a community yoga class during a family vacation to Salt Spring Island. That sparked a journey of learning that would continue into adulthood. Yoga has woven in and out of my life’s journey, bringing much love and balance to my life, and continues to inform and inspire me.

I completed my first yoga teacher training in Nova Scotia in 2012 and I am grateful to be able to share the gift of yoga with others. I have additional certifications in children’s yoga, chair yoga, prenatal yoga and am looking forward to completing an additional pre- and postnatal yoga certification, including yoga for expecting parents and a fertility yoga training.

Curiosity brought me to my first Reiki training in 2012. This was my initiation into the world of energy healing and I haven’t stopped being curious and wanting to learn more.

I have completed levels I and II Jikiden Reiki, levels I and II Usui Reiki and I became a Reiki Master in 2021. I have an additional certification in Reiki for fertility, pregnancy birth and postpartum. I look forward to sharing reiki with others who are drawn to this healing technique.

I first became interested in Massage Therapy while in my initial yoga teacher training. Some of my colleagues were RMTs and I was awed by their knowledge of anatomy and body movement. My second YTT was heavily focused on anatomy and movement and I was hooked. When I moved back home to Ontario, I knew the time was right to return to school and pursue this goal.

I graduated from OCHT and became a Registered Massage Therapist in 2021. I have completed a certification in Massage for Pregnancy and spent the majority of my outreach hours working in a hospice setting with palliative clients and their caregivers. This is very fulfilling work and I hope to continue this in my community.

When I’m not working with clients I enjoy spending time outdoors. I am happiest by the water and in my spare time that’s where you’ll find me: hiking, snowshoeing, kayaking/canoeing/paddleboarding.

I love what I do! Always a student, I look forward to continuing my studies in other complementary areas.

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Kristen Bassett
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